On the 9th of July 2013, a 24-year-old Ryan was driving his car through the Mohave desert through what we know as Death Valley. He was on his way back to Los Angeles after spending the day in Las Vegas, when his car ran out of gas on Hwy 15. After walking several miles towards the closest town in the intense heat, Ryan encountered what should have been an incredible stroke of luck, when a highway patrolman saw Ryan and offered to help him. The highway patrolman eventually dropped Ryan off at a rest stop in Baker, CA, where Ryan called a friend in LA to come and pick him up. When his friend arrived at the rest stop 3 hours later, Ryan was nowhere to be found.
Over two months passed with no word from Ryan. Then, on September 21, 2023 local hikers found Ryan’s decomposing body in the desert within the previously searched area. A thorough autopsy cited the cause of death as undetermined and, more disturbingly, it was revealed that even though Ryan’s body was relatively intact, he was missing at least 6 of his internal organs leading some to believe Ryan may have been another victim of organ harvesting.
Politan, V. (2018, December 19). Georgia model vanishes, body found with organs missing. 11Alive.com. https://www.11alive.com/article/news/year-in-review/georgia-model-vanishes-body-found-with-organs-missing/85-442199392
Garcia, A. (2017, June 6). Questions continue to surround Georgia Man’s disappearance and death. Snopes. https://www.snopes.com/news/2017/06/06/questions-continue-surround-georgia-mans-disappearance-death/
Farpoint Films – Dying to be Famous: The Ryan Singleton Mystery. (2024, April 25). Farpoint Films. https://www.farpointfilms.com/dying-to-be-famous-the-ryan-singleton-mystery
Kish, P. (2018, December 19). Mother of model whose body was found without organs still seeks answers. 11Alive.com. https://www.11alive.com/article/news/local/mother-of-model-whose-body-was-found-without-organs-still-seeks-answers/85-f59ffb28-6571-4f70-a0fb-b7d42ab37e48
Myers, B. (2022, December 10). Disturbing details found in model Ryan Singleton’s autopsy. Grunge. https://www.grunge.com/1126896/disturbing-details-found-in-model-ryan-singletons-autopsy/
11Alive. (2017, May 24). Georgia model’s body found without organs. What happened? [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCLGSfpiJFc
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This episode of The Dark Oak was created, researched, written, recorded, hosted, edited, published, and marketed by Cynthia and Stefanie of Just Us Gals Productions with artwork by Justyse Himes and Music by Ryan Creep