It seemed like a typical day for 37-year-old Dr. Cherryl Lamont Pearson on January 4, 2002. She attended a Memphis Grizzlies game then she headed home to hang with two of her friends. When her friends left at 1am, she told her friends she was heading to be because she needed to be up early to babysit her nieces and nephews the next morning. After taking a 5 second phone call at 1:58am on Saturday, Cherryl disappeared into thin air. What happened to Cherryl Pearson?
Four years later, grief continues. (2006, May 15). NBC News. https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna12756112
Missing: Cherryl Lamont Pearson | Bartlett, TN | Uncovered. (n.d.). https://uncovered.com/cases/cherryl-pearson
JR Erickson. (2021, December 19). The Vanishing of Cherryl Lamont Pearson [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ga7k3mjP0Y
Action News 5. (2012, February 17). Missing doctor Bartlett’s only cold case. https://www.actionnews5.com. https://www.actionnews5.com/story/16953495/missing-doctor-bartletts-only-cold-case/
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This episode of The Dark Oak was created, researched, written, recorded, hosted, edited, published, and marketed by Cynthia and Stefanie of Just Us Gals Productions with artwork by Justyse Himes and Music by Ryan Creep