On the night of November 28th, 1985, several members of the Blount Family had gathered at a family trailer in the Hilltop Mobile Home Park that lay in the suburbs of Fort Worth, Texas. The gathering consisted of Joe Blount, a skilled mechanic, Joe’s wife Susan, Robert who was Joe and Susan’s teenaged son, Joe’s daughter Angela, Joe’s brother Carl Blount and Carl’s estranged son Michael Columbus.
The family sat down and ate dinner between 4 and 5pm, after dinner was finished, Carl went home. At 9pm that night Susan went for a lie down while Joe drove Angela, Robert and Michael to a local convenience store about half a mile away so the kids could grab ice-creams, and he could pick up some beer.
While the others were out, Susan later said she heard a knock at the door but when she looked outside, she didn’t see anyone and went back to sleep. When the others returned to the trailer around 20 minutes after they had left, they found a tan briefcase sitting at the door. The three teenagers were excited that the briefcase might contain valuables or money and brought it inside. At a minimum, they figured they could find out who it belonged to and return it. Angela immediately set it down in the living room, opened it and the bomb inside detonated.
Joe Blount aged 44, Angela aged 15 and Michael aged 18 were all killed instantly by the blast.
Even though a suspect was tried and convicted, they were eventually cleared of all charges and the case remains unsolved to this day.
Who bombed the Blount family?
Blanco, J. I. (n.d.). Michael Roy Toney | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers. https://murderpedia.org/male.T/t/toney-michael-roy.htm
A Thanksgiving Mystery, the Blount Family Bombing : r/UnresolvedMysteries. (n.d.).
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This episode of The Dark Oak was created, researched, written, recorded, hosted, edited, published, and marketed by Cynthia and Stefanie of Just Us Gals Productions with artwork by Justyse Himes and Music by Ryan Creep