Episode 78: The Monsters and Mysteries of Christmas

Merry Christmas Day from The Dark Oak!

Christmas traditions run deep in every culture and every family. In America, the legend of St Nicholas reigns supreme. But it turns out that Santa Claus is only one of the many fables, legends and haunts that come alive around the celebration of Christmas. So, today I present to you, The Monsters of Christmas. Join us for discussions of The Tomten, The Yule Family (including the Yule boys and the Yule Cat), Mari Lwyd, Belsnickel, Krampus, and more!



December 15). The Monsters of Christmas. Atlas Obscura. https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/monsters-of-christmas

Palmer, A., & Palmer, A. (2021, December 20). Mari Lwyd, or “Caroling with Zombie Horses”: A Christmas Story – Weird Little Worlds Press. Weird Little Worlds Press –. https://weirdlittleworlds.com/mari-lwyd-or-caroling-with-zombie-horses/

Little, B., & Little, B. (2023, December 12). Meet Krampus, the Christmas devil who punishes naughty children. HISTORY. https://www.history.com/news/krampus-christmas-legend-origin


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This episode of The Dark Oak was created, researched, written, recorded, hosted, edited, published, and marketed by Cynthia and Stefanie of Just Us Gals Productions with artwork by Justyse Himes and Music by Ryan Creep